Monday, December 19, 2005

Tech-savvy moms

If you pay attention to the media, you would think that the only internet-savvy people on the face of the earth are aged twenty and younger. Yet, many moms are the tech leaders in their own families. Most moms today are in their thirties and forties, squarely in the GenX group, born between 1965 and 1976. The average first-time mom is 25.

This means that most moms today grew up familiar with computers. When today's average mom was only age 12, AOL was already sending out those disks to get people to sign up. They had Walkmans and video recorders. By the time she went to college, many students had a computer. By the time she had her first job, computers were an integral part of it, and internet access followed shortly.

Moms today spend a lot of time on the internet checking out product information, looking for recommendations from other mothers, shopping, and keeping in touch with their friends and family.

Companies that want to get the attention of the tech-savvy person in the family, may find mom is the main gatekeeper. To learn more about today's moms and the ways that they rely on the internet, see a new book from the principals at The Wonder Group, Marketing to the New Super Consumer Mom & Kid.

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