Monday, July 30, 2007

Books on flash drives?

At Paramount, we are learning the flexibility of using flash drives to back up and to transmit manuscripts from writer to editor to designer. Since we are preparing most of our book files to be available as downloads, we wondered whether there is a market among librarians or corporate marketers for books on a flash drive.

It occurred to us that these could be useful for:

  1. searches on key words and concepts
  2. corporate marketers who are traveling and want to take a book with them for further research
  3. libraries that may have a tattered copy of an older book that they would still like to keep in their collections; the pdf on a flash drive would make the book available in a downloadable version making it unnecessary to keep the book on the shelf
  4. libraries that need more than one copy of a book because it is being assigned as supplemental reading
  5. corporate libraries that need more than one copy of a book
So, we thought we'd put the question to our readers: If you could pay $99 and put any of up to 7 of our titles that you need on a flash drive, would you do it?

If we gathered together titles on like segments (baby boomers, kids, multicultural) or on like research techniques (moderating, for example), would you be interested in having these books on a flash drive?

We await your comments and suggestions. email

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